At Court Lane Juniors, we understand how important it is for you to allow your children to explore and learn from the Internet and technology, whilst at the same time doing it safely. Every year, the children are taught and reminded about e-safety through specially taught lessons on
Below are a selection of resources that we use in school and that you could use with your children :
Advice on how to use a smart phone
Portsmouth City Council Troll Campaign
Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART crew ( Upper KS2 )
Hector's World of Computer Safety ( Lower KS2)
NSPCC advice for parents - Keeping Children Safe On-Line
Think U Know
These websites have some helpful advice for parents on how to keep your child safe online at home:
'What can I do if I think cyber bullying is occurring to my child?
If you think cyber bullying is occurring please use the following links to help you decide the best course of action. Please also contact the school if you feel we could help you.