Children have two books that they can read at home. One is their 'Reading Book' which has been assessed as within their 'Zone of Proximal Development' (something that is decodeable and a meaningful yet attainable challenge). They also can bring home a 'Reading for Pleasure' book, which is one they have picked to enjoy sharing and may be one they want an adult to read to them.
Every week children are set a list of spellings to learn. We encourage children to learn what the word means and how to use it as well as how to spell it correctly. Children have sessions in school to help them understand the words as well as a weekly test.
The children will also learn other spellings during the year which will be taught through the rules and patterns.
The children should, by the end of Year 4, know their times tables and related division facts to times 12. We teach this in school but regular practice at home is essential and will help children learn more difficult concepts more easily as they porgress through the school and on into secondary Mathematics.
We try to keep homework manageable and focused on the key skills which need daily repetition and practice to secure. These are the foundations for successful learning across the entire curriculum.
Remote Learning
We have previously used SeeSaw across the school for Remote Learning in periods of school closure. We are currently migrating to MS Teams as a school. Should we need to switch to a remote model in future, we will send details of which platform your child is assigned to.